I am a Ph.D. candidate in Philosophy at The Graduate Center, CUNY. 

I work in Feminist and Social Philosophy, Ethics (especially Bioethics), Critical Phenomenology, and Fat Studies. I also have interests in Political Philosophy, Qualitative X-Phi, and Philosophy of Emotion.

My dissertation project draws on in-depth interviews to focus on the affective lives and political psychology of feminist men and anti-racist white women. I vindicate the political role of emotion in social justice movement building whilst critiquing contemporary allyship discourse and offering normative direction to would-be-allies.

I am a CUNY GC MALS Advising Fellow, and a Senior Ethics Fellow at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

In my free time I’m training for a half-marathon, practicing for flute choir, and learning how to cook yummy vegan food.

I can be reached at mgreer@gradcenter.cuny.edu.