
Instructor on Record

CCNY, Biomedical Ethics (PHIL34905): Fall 2024 (online)

Hunter College, Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGS10000): Spring 2024 (in person)

Hunter College, Political Philosophy (PHIL24600/POLSC20401): Fall 2023 (in person)

Brooklyn College, Moral Issues in Business (PHIL2101): Spring 2022 (in person), Spring 2021 (online), Spring 2020 (in person)

Brooklyn College, Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL2501): Fall 2021 (online)

Brooklyn College, Philosophical Issues in Literature (PHIL2101): Fall 2020 (online), Fall 2019 (in person) 


Preceptor: Princeton University, Introduction to Moral Philosophy (PHI202): Fall 2021 (in person)

Teaching Assistant: John Hopkins’ Center for Talented Youth, Los Angeles, Big Questions: Introduction to Philosophy: Summer 2019 (in person)

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Manhattan

My responsibilities include providing training and mentorship in bioethics and bioethics education, organizing bioethics activities at the hospital, e.g., reading groups, practicum, consortia, and serving on the hospital ethics committee.

Philosophy and Bodies, Cornell University

I co-organized and co-led a week-long summer school on the topic of feminist philosophy and bodies. Over 100 undergraduate and graduate students applied for 20 partially-funded spots. Being a co-organizer involved applying and winning  funding from the Advanced Research Collective, CUNY, and the American Philosophy Association, devising a syllabus, co-leading seminars, inviting speakers, and selecting applicants. https://femsummer.weebly.com/previous-events.html

Syllabi and Curriculum Development

In Fall 2022, as part of my tenure as a Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow at New York City College of Technology, I became Writing Intensive Certified. You may see my certificate of completion here.

In January 2023 I worked on a Reading Group Blueprint with my colleagues Dr. Shannon Brick and Tomasz Zyglewicz on the topic of “Feminist Philosophy and Experimental Philosophy”. You may download a PDF of this here.

Here is the Introduction to Gender and Sexuality syllabus I taught in the Spring of 2024.

Here is the Political Philosophy syllabus I taught in the Fall of 2023.

Here is a sample Feminist Philosophy syllabus I worked on in my tenure as a 2022-2023 Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow at New York City College of Technology.

Here is a sample Introduction to Philosophy syllabus I worked on during my tenure as a Spring 2021 Open Pedagogy Fellow with the Mina Rees Library. I piloted this syllabus in Fall 2021 when I was a Graduate Teaching Fellow at Brooklyn College.